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The Last Two Weeks

Writer's picture: The Jess AddressThe Jess Address

Moose, I bought ground moose. In my defense, it was the fanciest package I could find in an attempt to find grass-fed ground beef. So I guess you could say, we are fitting in nicely in Norway.

We’ve been here for exactly two weeks and seems like much longer. I feel like I am getting the hang of things and now when I walk outside, I walk with purpose, not looking around at every sign trying not to get lost. You know, when you walk around and try to pretend you know exactly where you are going just in attempt to not look like a total tourist. Well, now I don’t have to pretend! I actually know where I am going.

The boys love it. Kids are so adaptable and resilient. When I would tell people we were moving to Norway they would say things like, oh your kids are the perfect age because they’re not in school yet, we could never move our kids! Well, I’m here to tell you that every age is the perfect age to move to a new country.

We should want our kids to have challenges in their lives and new experiences. To push them out of their comfort zones and you know what, it makes your family stronger and closer. I have been completely fathomed at how well my kids have adapted. They love to walk everywhere now. It only took a couple days of pushing my huge stroller around to realize that every child in Norway that has the ability to walk, walks. We definitely got some looks with our 5 yr old(size of a 7 yr old) standing on the back of stroller.

They also have no problem walking up to a Norwegian kid and making friends. Even when they don’t speak the same language. When Liam meets a kid that speaks English he runs to tell me, “Mom, they speak English!!!” It’s pretty cute.

We visited a church on Sunday and he walked right up to a couple older girls and introduced himself. Nash followed suit with his one liner, “I’m three!”. I love watching them grow outside themselves and outside their little worlds. Before I knew it, they both moved up two rows and sat with the girls. My boys have got some game. They definitely didn’t get it from their Dad! Although he did manage to get a kiss out of me the first day we met(sorry dad).

One of my favorite things about living here so far is being able to walk around the city. When Eric gets home, or after we put the kids to bed, I can go for a walk and clear my lungs. There’s nothing quite like the smell of the sea to restore your soul. Moana wasn’t kidding, it calls me too.


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