Eric leaves for Norway TODAY(He’s currently at Walmart buying another suitcase, like husband like wife) for a week long trip to meet and greet and get to know the area a bit before we all head West in a few weeks. I’ve already instructed him to video everything, find out if they sell King-sized beds at the Ikea there and to locate a Target-ish store(which does not exist).

It’s finally become real to me. What was once a dream, then a possibility is now our reality as we scramble to plan and pack for our big move. And the one thing that makes me squeamish, the goodbyes. While I appreciate a good sentiment just like the next person, I get extremely uncomfortable and awkward when confronted head on with love or praise and usually interject a joke of quib to keep the crowd(myself) from getting too serious.
Call it personality, call it upbringing, it’s just the way I am(trying to think of something funny to write at this very moment). So last night, I was completely caught off guard when my closest OKC friends turned a few minutes of our “Valentines Couples Game Night” into a farewell to me. To me? Me? Why are we making this about me? Please don’t say anything mushy or serious! My armpits are getting itchy. No direct eye contact.
They went around the table and each told a story or something they liked about me. And you know what, I loved it. Being affirmed by your sisters in Christ is a blessing and responsibility we have to each other in our faith. Why can we not accept compliments? Especially from those that know and love us the most. To be known is one of humanities greatest desires and to find a group of friends that truly know you and share a love for your Savior is a treasure indeed.

In this online age, the art of the spoken word is being lost and we are no longer speaking love and truth into each other’s lives, we’re just texting it. But I speak from experience, sit with your friends, look them in the eye and tell them what you love about them and it will last much longer in their hearts than a heart eyes emoji.